I love NVO for many reasons. I'm only ten years old, and I'm getting braces next Wednesday. This is my first year at NVO and I'm loving it so far. But the truth is, that i'm VERY excited to get braces. Not only that I get to choose many different colors, but because the people at NVO are putting them on for me. The people at NVO don't really act my my doctors. They act like friends. The first day i arrived at NVO, I was so happy to check it out and see all of the wonderful staff, and the --- Oh yeah!!!!! The FREE STARBUCKS??? The minute i saw that, my mouth watered every single day, waiting for my next appointment. But I don't only crave for Starbucks at NVO. I crave to meet the amazing staff they have. Nice, friendly, and awesome people. Now, I see being an orthodontist in a different way than i did a year ago. I love NVO, and I am very happy that I can come here very often.
- Anjana